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Participants Suggest Ways the Federal Government Can Lead and Support

Focus group participants suggested the following ways the Federal Government can lead and support efforts to help victims of fraud and economic crime:

  • Take a leadership role in education and prevention.

  • Establish fellowships and internships within Federal agencies to encourage discussions and to emphasize fraud and economic crime issues.

  • Sponsor a national symposium, possibly using OVC funds, to discuss victimization issues surrounding fraud, economic crime, and identity theft.

  • Develop a national clearinghouse for resources and information.

  • Develop a national advertising campaign similar to that of the National Crime Prevention Council. Sponsor media support.

  • Promote educational campaigns within public schools about fraud victimization and identity theft.

  • Promote interagency, multidisciplinary efforts and initiatives to cross-train professionals involved in fraud and economic crime victim issues.

  • Provide assistance, resources, and new technology to manage cases involving large numbers of crime victims.

  • Use the Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) to mandate services and to develop more victim assistance programs aimed at fraud and economic crime victims.

  • Mandate Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) institutions to educate customers and increase public awareness about fraud and identity theft victimization.

  • Convene a White House conference on economic crime to maximize attention on these issues from both the public and private sectors.

  • Encourage and facilitate corporate collaborative initiatives such as public/private ventures regarding fraud and economic crime issues.

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OVC Bulletin, May 2000, Victims of Fraud and Economic Crime

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