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Research in a Correctional Setting - Constraints and Biases

NCJ Number
Journal of Criminal Justice Volume: 14 Issue: 5 Dated: (1986) Pages: 401-412
N P Unnithan
Date Published
12 pages
Researchers studying correctional institutions rarely have attempted to assess and conceptualize the special impact of the correctional setting on their research experience.
Using a 'research chronicle' of study of work programs in an Indian prison and some analytical categories based on Cohen and Taylor (1977), the present study found that research in correctional institutions faces specific problems of access and data acquisition. It is suggested that such research can be conceptualized in social exchange terms and that it can benefit from using techniques of reciprocity. More specifically, correctional research appears to call for team research, triangulation, and considerable investment in establishing rapport. Some examples of the applications of strategies are provided. (Author abstract)