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Demographically Disaggregated Male Felony Arrest Trends - New York State (1970-1984)

NCJ Number
D J Alstyne
Date Published
206 pages
This report examines changes in felony arrests for adult males in New York State for 1970-1984.
Changes in arrests are presented by crime type and demographic subgroups based on region, race, and age. In addition to specifying how and when arrests changed, the analysis focuses on how change patterns differed across subgroups. The report also analyzes population changes in New York State over the study period and explores the relationship between arrest trends and changes in the size and makeup of the general population. Although changes in age-specific and race-specific arrest rates were the most significant factors affecting changes in arrest counts, it is not clear why these rates have changed over time. Neither is it clear how accurately the report findings reflect crime changes over the study period, since arrests represent an official response to crime and are subject to change for reasons unrelated to crime levels. 7 tables, 60 figures, 6 endnotes, and a 10-item bibliography.