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AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) Book: Information for Workers

NCJ Number
Date Published
64 pages
This handbook for union stewards, staff, and officers provides questions and answers on acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) and guidelines for health care and other worker protection.
Questions and answers cover the cause, incidence, and prevention of AIDS. Emphasis is placed on the fact that AIDS is contracted primarily through exposure to contaminated blood and body fluids and not through casual day-to-day contact. The rights of workers with AIDS also are outlined. The role of the union in addressing AIDS in the workplace is described with reference to infection control programs, workplace policies, and general education programs. Guidelines to prevent transmission of the AIDS virus to health care workers are provided. Specific precautions cover nurses, technicians, and aides; workers performing invasive procedures (e.g., surgical, dental); laboratory workers; cleaning and housekeeping staff; laundry and food service workers; incinerator attendants; and other hospital staff. Guidelines for other occupations cover police, firefighters, ambulance workers, correctional and mental health staff, cemetary workers and mortuary staff, and teachers. Appendixes describe chemicals for disinfecting and provide additional data on preventive precautions and health worker risk.