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Child Maltreatment Over Two Decades: Change or Continuity?

NCJ Number
Violence and Victims Volume: 3 Issue: 2 Dated: (Summer 1988) Pages: 129-144
D D Knudson
Date Published
17 pages
The increasing reports of child maltreatment during the last two decades have precipitated discussions about the degree to which these figures represent an increase in reporting or a true growth of child abuse and neglect.
Using reports to child protection agencies over a 20-year period in an Indiana county, analyses suggest that there is a stability in characteristics of alleged perpetrators and victims, and in the patterns of mistreatment. Shifts in the substantiation rates offer little insight for this issue, but it may be argued that the growth in reports reflects a genuine increase of abusive and neglectful behavior. Implications for abuse and neglect rates are explored. (Author abstract)


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