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New Developments in Research on Aggression: An International Report

NCJ Number
Violence and Victims Volume: 4 Issue: 1 Dated: (Spring 1989) Pages: 3-15
R D Maiuro; J A Eberle
Date Published
13 pages
During the first week of July 1988, the International Society for Research on Aggression (ISRA) conducted its Eighth World Conference at the University College of Swansea in Wales, United Kingdom. The present paper reviews some of the highlights of the recent conference, with particular attention given to those topics that might be of interest to researchers and clinicians specializing in interpersonal violence.
Topics include theoretical work, relevant animal studies, developmental and longitudinal studies of childhood aggression, child abuse, violence by adolescents, wife abuse and assault, biological correlates of aggression, and advances in measurement and assessment. The reported findings support an interdisciplinary approach to the study of interpersonal violence. 1 footnote; 35 references. (Author abstract)


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