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Building Community Support

NCJ Number
Corrections Today Volume: 51 Issue: 2 Dated: (April 1989) Pages: 148,150-152
T G Eynon
Date Published
4 pages
Developing community support for the establishment and continuing operation of a community corrections facility involves using the community itself in a process of communication management that invites participation by influential local groups in the initiation and operation of the program.
Communication management means clearly stating what is expected to happen to the various institutions and parts of the community. The management process is primarily skillful interaction with community interest groups. The interaction carries a carefully crafted message designed to minimize the main obstacles to establishing community correctional facilities while maximizing the positive reasons. Positive reasons include the constructive management of offenders as they are released into the community after serving a prison sentence, employment opportunities for residents, and cash flow resulting from payroll and purchasing. The message carriers should be indigenous community leaders representing important community sectors. Opinion influencers, such as the media, should be the first persons convinced of the value of the project. Throughout the communication management process, efforts must focus on allaying fears about the consequences of the facility and ensuring the community that they will have input and participation in facility issues that affect the community.