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Prince's Venture Changes a Rogue into a Model Citizen

NCJ Number
Lay Panel Magazine Volume: 21 Dated: (April 1989) Pages: 14
C Lightbrown
Date Published
1 page
The Prince of Wales Community Venture, initiated in 1985, is Prince Charles' idea of how youth schemes can create better citizens.
The venture involves small youth groups, largely but not entirely unemployed, in a quick-fire range of activities over 10 months. Units of a dozen men and women between 18 and 24 years of age are selected from Job Centre referrals, advertising campaigns, England's probation service, word of mouth, and companies. The groups spend short periods with the police, fire, or ambulance services and in other community activities. A key feature of the venture is its placement of team members, including those viewed as hopelessly aggressive or inadequate, in short-term caring assignments. For example, one participant spent 6 weeks working as an assistant in a day center for the mentally handicapped. With adequate funding, it is hoped that the Prince's venture can be continued and expanded.