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Social Movements (From New Directions in the Study of Justice, Law, and Social Control, P 127-141, 1990, Melvin J Lerner, ed. -- See NCJ-121983)

NCJ Number
A G Frank; M Fuentes
Date Published
15 pages
The origin and significance of social movements that promote social change in response to injustice are evaluated, and the view is taken that the strength and importance of social movements are related to lengthy political, economic, and ideological cycles.
Various social movements have in common the force of morality and a sense of justice in individual motivation. Most of the "new" social movements emerging around the world are not really new; rather, they share features with much older and geographically-dispersed social movements. The strength and importance of social movements are politically, economically, and ideologically cyclical. Some social movements compete with each other, while others overlap in membership or permit coalitions. Although most social movements are more defensive than offensive, they represent important agents of social transformation. In particular, social movements appear as agents and reinterpreters in the "delinking" from contemporary capitalism and the transition to socialism. Various third world, feminist, and peace movements raise ethical and moral questions regarding the power role of intellectuals. Social movements in developed countries are predominantly middle class-based; local community movements often overlap with religious and ethnic movements. Most social movements do not seek State power, responding instead to people's frustrations with and sense of justice regarding political and economic forces beyond their control. 2 references.


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