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HIV and AIDS: Unexpected Lessons for Save the Children

NCJ Number
Children and Society Volume: 3 Issue: 4 Dated: (Winter 1989-1990) Pages: 363-371
N Eisenstadt; J Wilson
Date Published
9 pages
The Save the Children AIDS and HIV staff training programs are examined.
This paper concerns alternatives to staff AIDS and HIV training in child care agencies. Specifically, the training practices of the Save the Children Fund are examined. The use of a corporate approach to training is supported while encouraging involvement at all staff levels. Typically, only the fieldstaff participated fully in the development of training and policy. This is viewed as a drawback because often changes in policy and technique require decision-making from the top staff levels. Emphasis is also placed on creating an agency structure that allows easy dissemination and adaptation of ideas. Finally, a clear understanding of AIDS issues and available programs offered by the agency must be required of all staff members before any substantive progress can be made in aiding the public. (Author abstract modified)


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