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Mandatory Programs in Prisons -- Let's Expand the Concept

NCJ Number
Federal Probation Volume: 54 Issue: 2 Dated: (June 1990) Pages: 33-35
S G McCollum
Date Published
3 pages
In a speech, Chief Justice Warren Burger restated his long held position that the people have a moral obligation to find a better way to manage prison programs. He proposed two specific actions: the careful screening, training, and better payment of correctional workers and the encouragement or requirement of all prisoners to become literate and acquire a marketable skill.
A task force was appointed shortly after the speech and produced the Bogan Report. This report made at least three recommendations with respect to staff training and eight regarding inmate education and training. From these came the Bureau of Prisoners' Mandatory Literacy Program which met with success, tying together the pay level with education. Two significant elements of the mandatory literacy program were that all inmates who tested below the required grade level had to enroll in a literacy program for 90 days. After the 90 day period they could drop out without incurring any sanctions. Mandatory programs will aid correctional officials during an inmate's confinement and will aid the inmate's readjustment to society upon release.