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Tactical Incident: A Total Police Response

NCJ Number
FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin Volume: 59 Issue: 8 Dated: (August 1990) Pages: 14-18
N F Kaiser
Date Published
5 pages
With the advent of police tactical units, police managers need to consider new organizational structures within their departments.
In addition, the development and testing of policies and procedures, along with opening new lines of authority and communications, have become necessary. Today, the tactical unit remains vital to any department's response to a critical incident. Yet this unit is dependent upon the support of other units within the department. One method of attaining the necessary degree of coordination is to establish Standard Operating Procedures and policies that foster teamwork through a properly guided training program, briefings, and a sensitivity to feedback. Initiating these policies and procedures also helps to eliminate many of the problems that managers encounter, such as lines of authority and inter-unit rivalry. 6 footnotes.