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Police and the News Media

NCJ Number
J W Warner
Date Published
6 pages
This document provides police departments with information to develop policy and to maintain professional and mutually effective relationships with the news media.
Good working relationships between police and the media have not always been easy to achieve given the various pressures each side faces. However, if police administrators and personnel deal with the media in a fair and professional manner, they are more likely to be able to communicate their message effectively to the public. Guidelines are provided for developing media policies and managing media news access. Release of information generally, as well as when criminal cases are involved, are also discussed. Pointers are provided for talking with the media, including preparedness, enthusiasm, turning negatives into positives, and not being afraid to honestly admit a lack of knowledge about some details. Freedom of information requirements and use of public service time are mentioned. General thoughts on resolving police-press difficulties are provided.


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