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Option Selected for Identifying Felons who Attempt to Purchase Firearms

NCJ Number
E S G Dennis Jr
Date Published
18 pages
The statement discusses the efforts of the Department of Justice to develop a system for identifying felons who attempt to purchase firearms.
The system recommended by the Attorney General on November 20, 1989 involved the use of a touch tone telephone system to determine whether prospective gun purchasers are eligible to purchase a firearm. The system would permit on-the-spot automated review of criminal records and would help to prevent unauthorized firearms sales without imposing undue delays on law-abiding citizens attempting to purchase firearms. The system is described in detail, and the goal of the Task Force developed to investigate and create the required database and system is presented. Costs of the project, time involved, and where the identification records are stored are presented in this testimony before the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime.