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Familial and Individual Functioning in a Sample of Adult Cocaine Abusers

NCJ Number
Journal of Drug Issues Volume: 21 Issue: 3 Dated: (Summer 1991) Pages: 579-592
S-Y Kang; P H Kleinman; T Todd; J Kemp; D S Lipton
Date Published
14 pages
The relationships between individual and familial functioning is examined in 96 adult cocaine abusers in an outpatient treatment center in New York City in 1987.
The FACES III Scale of Olson and colleagues were used to determine family functioning by measuring family cohesion and adaptability and the Beck Depression Inventory, the Hopkins Symptom Check List-90 (SCL-90), and the Structure Clinical Interview for DSM-III-R (SCID) to determine individual functioning. Clients who came to the clinic without their parents had significantly lower levels of family cohesion and family adaptability than did clients who came in with their partners. Among clients from both spousal and parental families, there were significant negative associations between family cohesion and both the Beck Depression Inventory and the psychopathology classification and a non-significant negative association between cohesion and SCL-90 scores. The association between adaptability and measure of psychological functioning less consistent. In this group of problem families, the circumplex model was not confirmed. The data indicate a relationship between individual and familial functioning among cocaine addicts, in particular between family cohesion and depression among clients in both spousal and parental families. Furthermore, the negative association between adaptability and the psychopathology classification suggests that the adults in parental families who are most depressed tend to come from the most rigid families. 2 notes, 4 tables, and 36 references (Author abstract modified)


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