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AIDS and Community Corrections: The Development of Effective Policies

NCJ Number
A J Luirio, G J Bensinger, A T Laszlo
Date Published
37 pages
Four papers discuss the medical aspects of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), HIV and drug use, legal liability issues, and the development of AIDS policies.
The paper on the medical aspects of AIDS distinguishes between HIV and AIDS which is the end point in the spectrum of HIV disease. The two tests for the detection of HIV are described, followed by a review of how HIV is transmitted and the groups that are at risk for HIV infection. Prevention is advised to consist of safe sex and abstinence from intravenous drug use. A paper on HIV and drug use focuses on the transmission of HIV through intravenous drug use which involves the transmission of the virus into the blood through infected needles. The Washington State needle-hygiene program is described. A discussion of legal liability issues associated with societal reactions to HIV-infected persons addresses employment discrimination, reasonable accommodations, HIV testing, and workman's compensation. A discussion of correctional issues considers right to privacy, inmate HIV testing, inmate segregation, and the confidentiality of medical information. A paper on the development of AIDS policies considers identification and testing, notification and confidentiality, and treatment and education.