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Corrections Yearbook: Jail Systems 1991

NCJ Number
G M Camp; C G Camp
Date Published
70 pages
A survey of the jail systems in the United States housing more than 200 prisoners gathered information on inmate and personnel numbers and characteristics, budgets, facilities, and programs.
The survey received data from 79 jail systems with 169 jail facilities in 26 states. The 79 systems employed 33,130 people and housed 110,445 prisoners on January 1, 1991. The tables and figures show the gender and turnover of employees, hours of preservice and inservice training, inmate assaults on staff, drug testing of job applicants and employees, budgets, and costs per day per prisoner. They also show the numbers and capacities of facilities, jail beds planned or currently under construction, and rated capacity and percentages over and under capacity. Further tables describe inmates in terms of their gender, ethnicity, status, court appearances, lengths of stay, deaths, results of testing for AIDS, use of drug treatment programs, and use of other programs and services during 1990. List of responding jail systems