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Certification Standards for Food Service Programs

NCJ Number
Date Published
89 pages
There are 18 mandatory certification standards for food service programs in correctional facilities and 39 nonmandatory standards. The mandatory standards cover safety and emergency procedures, sanitation, security and control, and food service.
To be eligible for certification, an agency must be part of a governmental entity or conform to the applicable Federal, State, and local laws regarding corporate existence. An agency wishing to participate in the certification process receives an information package from the American Correctional Association and is then assigned a regional administrator and an accreditation manager. During their correspondent status, the agencies complete a self-assessment of their operation as well as a self-evaluation report. Candidate status, which continues for up to 12 months, begins with acceptance of the agency's self-evaluation report; during these 12 months, the agency must meet the required levels of compliance, be audited by a visiting committee, and be awarded or denied 3-year certification.