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NCJ Number
J Mann, D J M Tarantola, T W Netter
Date Published
1051 pages
This volume provides detailed information about the current status of the HIV/AIDS pandemic throughout the world and the global response to it, covering the period from the recognition of AIDS in the early 1980's through mid-1992.
An overview of AIDS epidemiology notes that HIV is spreading, sometimes quite rapidly, to new communities and countries around the world; the epidemic is also becoming more complex, composed of thousands of smaller, complicated epidemics. However, the global response to HIV and AIDS is inadequate and uncoordinated. A decade of experience at the community level has demonstrated that HIV prevention is entirely possible, but only if three crucial elements are in place: information and education, health and social services, and a supportive social environment. Nevertheless, relative success at individual and community levels is coupled with the possibility of collective failure at national and international levels. National AIDS programs are still too narrowly conceived as government or official programs rather than as combining the efforts of government, nongovernmental organizations, and the private sector. International leadership and coordinating are also deficient. In addition, following the period of global mobilization against AIDS in the late 1980's, complacency and a lack of coordinated and strategic national and international leadership have stalled the response in the second decade of the AIDS pandemic. Fifty-nine countries are at high risk for HIV spread, while an additional 39 countries are at substantial risk. Issues such as AIDS and sexual behavior, human reproduction, sexually transmitted diseases, dementia, intravenous drug abuse, and the impact of the media are also examined. Tables, figures, maps, footnotes, discussion of international guidelines, appended background information and chapter reference notes, and index


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