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Casinos and Crime: Is It Worth The Gamble?

NCJ Number
Organized Crime Digest Volume: 15 Issue: 20 Dated: (October 26, 1994) Pages: 1-6
B B Bosarge
Date Published
6 pages
This article examines the affect of casinos and other gambling operations on crime rates in numerous locations across the United States.
Local and State law enforcement leaders in Florida are concerned about increased crime in their state should voters approve a proposed referendum permitting establishment of the casinos. The officials visited Gulfport, MS, to observe activities there since gambling was approved in 1993. The group concluded that casino gambling has the potential to dramatically increase criminal activity and severely strain the operation of state and local criminal justice and other agencies. While the level of impact would vary in different locations, the overall effect could be extremely negative. There would be increased organized criminal activity. Taxpayers would incur increased costs for law enforcement and other related governmental activities. Florida, like most areas which have experienced gambling, could experience a serious image problem associated with gambling and the increased criminal activity which would accompany it.


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