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Crack/Cocaine, Children and New York City's Family Court

NCJ Number
New York State Bar Journal Volume: 64 Issue: 4 Dated: (May/June 1992) Pages: 22-26
L Gittis; C Sherman
Date Published
5 pages
This article examines the impact on New York City's family courts of the increased numbers of neglect/abuse cases that resulted from the crack/cocaine epidemic of 1985-1989.
The article includes discussions of: (1) the effects of cocaine on the fetus/infant; (2) civil intervention in cases of parental neglect resulting from prenatal drug or alcohol abuse; and (3) criminal intervention based on statutes which address the use, possession and delivery of a controlled substance and which pit the state's interest in protecting the future health of a child against the mother's interest in autonomy over her reproductive life. Footnotes