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New Digital Radar Puts on the Brakes

NCJ Number
Law Enforcement Technology Volume: 22 Issue: 2 Dated: (February 1995) Pages: 46-49
E Sanow
Date Published
4 pages
This article describes Digital Signal Processing (DSP), the latest technology breakthrough in the traffic radar arena.
While analog radar locks onto the strongest signal regardless of range, DSP technology allows this digital counting unit to identify the reflected signal of each vehicle within range. The system gives priority to measuring and displaying the speed of the vehicle with the strongest signal and identifies the speed of the vehicle with the fastest signal. This newest digital radar allows a police officer to track and lock the fastest vehicle at any time. The system can also recognize the signal from the patrol car's fan or blower, which have long been sources of phantom radar readings. The system selectively ignores interference from patrol car shadowing in the moving mode, displays the speed of a vehicle going away in the opposite direction, and is equipped with a time- distance computer and stopwatch.