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Multi-Jurisdictional Narcotics Enforcement Task Forces: Lessons Learned From the OCN Program Model

NCJ Number
Date Published
78 pages
This monograph describes the steps necessary to successfully develop and implement a unique joint narcotics task force operation - the Organized Crime Narcotics (OCN) Trafficking Enforcement Program.
The strategy of the OCN Program is twofold: (1) to promote a multiagency enforcement response, including a prosecution strategy, targeted against major narcotics trafficking conspiracies operating across multiple jurisdictions; and (2) to establish a formal mechanism whereby investigative and prosecution resources can be allocated, focused, and managed on a shared basis against targeted offenses and offenders. Participants in OCN projects expect that successful implementation will enable them to: (1) develop an overall enforcement strategy; (2) select a management system for the shared coordination and direction of personnel, financial, equipment, and technical resources; (3) investigate and prosecute major multijurisdictional narcotics traffickers; (4) promote civil remedies and recovery of criminal assets; (5) reduce fractional and duplicative investigations and prosecutions; (6) revoke licenses, charters, and other certifications possessed by criminal enterprises; and (7) cooperate and coordinate efforts among OCN projects and with other Bureau of Justice Assistance projects. Chapters in this document describe the elements which comprise the OCN Program; each OCN and SIRM (Statewide Integrated Resources Model) project; administrative and operational experiences; and lessons learned. Appendixes