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Finding Federal Funds to Prevent Crime

NCJ Number
Date Published
68 pages
This report provides information on the Federal Edward Byrne Memorial State and Local Law Enforcement Assistance Formula Grant Program, which provides funds to State and local programs that address a wide range of anti-crime needs.
Section One of the report describes the purposes, criteria, and processes under the Byrne Formula Grant Program. Section Two suggests ways in which interested organizations can contribute their views and experiences to their State's strategic plan for criminal justice funding. It also explains how these groups can apply for crime prevention project funds. There are two major ways in which local organizations can have a part in determining what is funded under the State's Byrne formula grant. One way is through thoughtful, well-supported testimony about needs and priorities that the State's Byrne allocation should target. Another way is through a carefully developed and well-presented application for funding that complies with the State's criteria. Section Three notes some key Federal resources that might provide funding or support for local crime prevention efforts. Section Four lists agency contacts for State-level inquiries on Federal funding resources. This document does not guarantee funding, but it does offer ideas for seeking and obtaining additional resources and support in community efforts to reduce crime.