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Breaking the Cycle: A Model Continuum for Children and Youth 0-18

NCJ Number
Juvenile and Family Court Journal Volume: 46 Issue: 4 Dated: (Fall 1995) Pages: 37-41
L Acoca
Date Published
5 pages
This article profiles two programs that provide effective substance-abuse services at the community level, each targeting a different developmental phase of childhood and youth.
Child Haven, Inc., is a nonprofit community-based program that serves Solano County, Calif. The program accepts low-income, multiple-risk pregnant, postpartum, and parenting teens and adult women and their children aged 0 to 3. The program goals are to prevent damage to the infant due to substance exposure in utero and other stressors, to prevent incidents of child abuse and neglect, to maximize the health and developmental potential of the child, and to promote the health and recovery of the mother. To accomplish these goals, the program provides a flexible matrix of in-home counseling, infant-parent group therapy on the program site, basic medical services, and concrete supports such as food, infant supplies and clothing, and transportation. The Threshold for Change, Inc., which operates in conjunction with Sunny Hills, Inc., a nonprofit community-based program in San Anselmo, Calif., provides a model treatment continuum for chemically independent adolescents and their families. The program consists of a continuum design that includes seven interrelated components or modules. The modules are designed to function flexibly, so that adolescents and their families can move through the continuum using only those services relevant to them. The modules are intensive in-home services, residential treatment, intensive day treatment, therapeutic foster homes, job apprenticeship, a wilderness component, and assisted independent living.