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Nervous in the Naked City (From The Culture of Crime, P 103- 110, 1995, Craig L LaMay and Everette E Dennis, eds. -- See NCJ- 159964)

NCJ Number
H Rosenberg
Date Published
8 pages
This essay examines how the public bases its perception of the threat of crime on what they view on television real-life and dramatic series.
Despite statistics that show a steady decline in the chances of most Americans becoming crime victims, many citizens behave as though the threat of violence and the invasion of their homes is real and imminent. Statistics suggest that only 1 in 30 Americans will be victimized by a violent crime. Although this is not an acceptable statistic, it does not warrant the fear and obsessive security measures that some people take. Much of the self- protective behavior of citizens is based on their exposure to real and fictional portrayals of crime and violence on television and in the movies. Because people are drawn to the drama and suspense of crime and danger, a high percentage of television programs and movies are crime-oriented. People are not exposed to actual crime statistics and statistically based knowledge of crime in the same measure. Consequently, their security measures and mental states are based more in fictional portrayals of crime than in assessments of the actual threat of crime and violence.


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