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Gang Dictionary: A Guide to Gang Slang, Gang Vocabulary, and Gang Socio-Linguistic Phrases

NCJ Number
Journal of Gang Research Volume: 4 Issue: 4 Dated: (Summer 1997) Pages: 66-75
Date Published
10 pages
This is a dictionary of terms, phrases and abbreviations frequently used by gang members.
The dictionary contains more than 450 entries, including: (1) general gang terms, such as "47," which alerts others that the police are coming; (2) geographically specific terms, such as "187," the California penal code number for "murder"; (3) gang-specific terms, e.g., "Blue Hats," a term describing Crips and their allied gangs generally; (4) drug subculture expressions, such as "Kibbles and Bits," meaning crumbs of cocaine; and (5) terms that are frequently also used by non-gang populations, e.g., "chill out," which means to relax and calm down.


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