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Register of Policing Research 1997/1998

NCJ Number
D Barrett
Date Published
12 pages
This kit includes an explanatory booklet and a CD-ROM that lists and describes the current and planned police research in the United Kingdom.
The material is presented in a database format. The information is grouped into the following categories: (1) crime prevention; (2) crime detection; (3) community assistance; (4) public safety; (5) traffic law enforcement; (6) administration, organization, and management; (7) operational support; (8) historical and social; and (9) miscellaneous. The material is presented in three formats: (1) a reference list of titles and principal researchers for each project, (2) a summary of each project, and (3) an extended description giving the full details of each project. The manual provides step-by-step instructions for finding information on the CD-ROM and explains the role of each of the 10 function buttons at the top of each layout form. Address from which to obtain further information


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