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International Violence Against Women Survey (IVAWS) (From Women in the Criminal Justice System: International Examples and National Responses, P 214-220, 2001, Natalia Ollus and Sami Nevala, eds. -- See NCJ-188840)

NCJ Number
Natalia Ollus
Date Published
7 pages
The International Violence Against Women Survey (IVAWS) combines the comparative methodology of the International Crime Victim Survey with the perspective on women's victimization found in national surveys of violence against women.
The European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control (HEUNI), affiliated with the United Nations, has participated in projects related to violence against women and is currently preparing the implementation of IVAWS. The survey focuses solely on women's experiences of violence by male perpetrators, including both strangers and men known to the women. The survey covers sexual and physical violence and childhood victimization in women over 18 years old. The survey also focuses on fear of crime, perceptions of risk, precautions taken against an attack, attitudes about violence, and interpretations of violence. Implementation will be similar in all participating countries and will use female interviewers who conduct personal or telephone interviews. International experts helped design the questionnaire outline. The survey aims to produce accurate estimates of the prevalence of violence against women while reflecting the specific social and cultural contexts of the participating countries. Footnotes