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Thin-Layer Chromatography Detection of Volatile Denaturants in Denatured Spirits

NCJ Number
Journal of Forensic Identification Volume: 57 Issue: 2 Dated: March/April 2007 Pages: 206-214
G. Sivaprasad; S. N. Sivadurai; S. Rajaram
Date Published
March 2007
9 pages
This article describes a thin-layer chromatography or TLC-based method for the identification of volatile denaturants in denatured spirits (alcohol).
Using this thin-layer chromatography (TLC) method provided the individual detection of volatile alcohol denaturants. Important factors in governmental alcohol policies are controls and taxation. Ethyl alcohol supplied to industries is less expensive than ethyl alcohol supplied for blending to produce beverages. Therefore, ethyl alcohol supplied to industries is denatured to avoid misuse of ethanol for drinking purposes. Special denaturants are added so that such specially denatured alcohol can be used in the manufacture of organic chemicals without seriously affecting the manufacturing processes. Acetaldehyde, acetone, and formaldehyde are the most commonly used. It is helpful to find an easy and simple method by which one can identify each of the denaturants without using sophisticated instruments. This research describes a simple TLC-based method for the identification of these volatile alcoholic denaturants. Figures, references


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