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Safeguarding Sensitive Data: IT Administrators Adopt New Solutions to Protect Government-Hosted Information

NCJ Number
Law Enforcement Technology Volume: 36 Issue: 2 Dated: February 2009 Pages: 20,22,25
Tabatha Wethal
Date Published
February 2009
5 pages
This article discusses how information technology systems within the law enforcement community are safeguarding sensitive data with the adoption of new solutions and new standards of security.
If a breach is detected in government data, in addition to notifying people, in some areas, punitive damage monies may be allowable under law for the leaked data. Factoring in the many essential mobile workstations in patrol vehicles as well as laptop units that cannot be kept behind constant lock and key, how can management protect data without limiting its utility? Law enforcement information technology (IT) administrators continue to find ways to integrate policy and technology to protect data without limiting useful access. This article briefly describes ways in which IT administrators from several law enforcement agencies have adopted solutions to protect government-hosted information, such as Canada’s smartcard-based e Token and South Carolina’s McAfee’s Endpoint Encryption.