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Receiving Health Screening by Jail Personnel - A Training and Reference Manual - Instructors Manual

NCJ Number
T Wolbert; T C Wall
Date Published
26 pages
This instructor's manual is designed to accompany the training and reference manual for a 2-day course designed to prepare nonmedical personnel to perform jail health screening.
A discussion of preparation for the course examines the location options and lists the equipment needed for teaching the course. General principles for instructors are also listed. A time and activity schedule is provided for the 2-day course. Directions are given to the instructor for the conduct of each course activity, and the time allotted for each activity is indicated. A sample of a completed jail receiving screening form is provided, along with a suggested list of observable symptoms of physical and psychological health problems. The pretest and posttest is provided, accompanied with answers. For the training and reference manual, see NCJ 73028.