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Terrorism, 1970-1978 - A Bibliography

NCJ Number
A Lakos
Date Published
78 pages
This bibliography comprises most of the relevant materials published since 1970 on the subject of modern terrorism, understood to mean politically motivated urban guerrilla warfare.
Included are books, monographs, journals, pamphlets, conference proceedings, and research studies; excluded are government documents and popular trade magazine articles. The principal language covered is English, but the more important sources in German and French are also listed. The complete listing comprises over 700 entries, which are arranged in 10 sections by subject and area. Materials of a general nature come first, followed by materials on aerial piracy and nuclear terrorism. Area subdivision is by continent. Within the topical sections, materials are subdivided by type of publication: books, periodical articles, and report literature. Entries are arranged alphabetically by author/title. A selected list of bibliographical sources is also included. Availability and pricing information are not provided.


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