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Police and Prosecution Systems - An Evaluation of a Police Criminal Case Preparation Program

NCJ Number
Journal of Applied Behavioral Analysis Volume: 13 Issue: 3 Dated: (Fall 1980) Pages: 397-406
M A Domash; J F Schnelle; E L Stromatt; A F Carr; L D Larson; R E Kirchner; T R Risley
Date Published
10 pages
This article reports on the evaluation of a program to address problems in the preparation of criminal investigation reports in a metropolitan police department.
The program permanently altered environmental conditions under which reports were prepared to facilitate performance. Police officers, who had previously prepared reports without assistance, visited the case preparation room to prepare reports with assistance from officer personnel. Compared to reports prepared without assistance, reports prepared in the case preparation room documented more case elements required by the State legal code for criminal prosecution, were completed in fewer days following arrests, and received higher ratings from assistant district attorneys. Operation of a permanent program available to approximately 945 officers provided a practical solution to improving the preparation of criminal investigation reports. Seven references are given. (Author abstract modified)


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