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Adult Basic Education (4901) - Curriculum Performance Standard

NCJ Number
Date Published
24 pages
This booklet outlines standards applicable to an education program designed for inmates who cannot read, write or compute at the sixth grade level.
The program is an open entry/exit one which enables students to come into the class at any time and progress at their own rate. Although individualized work is emphasized, group work in the classroom is also required. The program should include a competency-based curriculum; a system for students to keep track of their progress and for the teacher to monitor the program; ongoing assessment of individual progress and feedback to the student; motivational activities designed to attract, retain, and encourage participants; and ongoing evaluation of program effectiveness. The performance standards outline three levels -- from readiness for formal instruction to minimal literacy skills acquisition, and finally competencies in mathematical and communications skills adequate for attaining the sixth grade level. A program chart is provided, as are suggested annotated bibliographies totaling about 20 entries in both English and mathematics. Reading machines and tests for diagnosis and evaluation are also listed. A program statement is appended.