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Correctional Institutions

NCJ Number
V Fox
Date Published
234 pages
The text presents a comprehensive view of correctional institutions, covering their historical development, physical plants and programs, residents, administration and management, and future concerns.
A historical review of correctional institutions surveys the beginnings of confinement and the development of the private prison, as well as asylums and workhouses, and other institutions. Following a chapter on the physical plant (architecture, housekeeping, etc.), the text focuses on the correctional program and inmates, giving particular attention to custodial control, classification and treatment, prisoner employment, and the maximum security society. Also analyzed are riots and disturbances, effects of imprisonment, contacts with the outside, and staff socialization. A section on special institutions discusses jails and local detention, and institutions for juveniles, for females, and for mentally disordered offenders. The text also considers the administration and management of institutions, including fiscal and personnel management. Chapter questions, footnotes, tables, photographs, and index, and about 130 references are provided.