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Survey of Work Attitudes of Police Officers - Commitment and Satisfaction

NCJ Number
Police Studies Volume: 8 Issue: 1 Dated: (Spring 1985) Pages: 17-25
R G Hunt; K S McCadden
Date Published
9 pages
A survey was done of 1202 police officers in six departments in various parts of the U.S. Various measures of job commitment and satisfaction were studied in relation to four other sets of variables: demographic, individual difference, organizational, and role conflict-ambiguity.
On the average, respondents reported moderate levels of both commitment and satisfaction. Regression analyses suggested that, in this sample, satisfaction and commitment were associated mainly with demographic and organizational factors, and secondarily with person-role fit (conflict) measures. The findings are discussed in relation to needs for more differentiated, multifacted conceptual and empirical models of work attitudes and their determinants. (Publisher abstract)