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Scorable Games - A Better Way to Teach Negotiation?

NCJ Number
Negotiation Journal Volume: 1 Issue: 3 Dated: (July 1985) Pages: 205-209
L E Susskind
Date Published
5 pages
This paper describes a scorable simulation game designed to teach negotiation skills and considers the instructional benefits and limitations of such games.
The game, called HARBORCO, involves simulated negotiations by six parties regarding the building of a major deepwater port. The scoring system gives the most credit to a six-party 'win-win' negotiated settlement. The game rewards the compromise of self-interest to obtain a settlement that renders satisfactory benefits to all the parties. The game offers 55 possible agreements that meet the minimum conditions for approval; only 9 yield six-way agreement. The debriefing following the playing of the game is intended to instruct players in the negotiating strategies that facilitated or obstructed agreement. The primary benefit of such scorable games is their capacity to teach players that win-win agreements are most likely to result when each party's proposal takes account of the interests of the other parties. One limitation of scorable simulation games is the players' limitation of scorable simulation games is the players' motivation to score high by obtaining an agreement rather than to maximize personal benefits, which is a strong motivation in actual negotiations. Still, such games should be part of every negotiation training course.


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