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California Juvenile Hall Population Summary Report No. (Number) 22

NCJ Number
Date Published
47 pages
This report for calendar year 1989 presents data on the average number of youths in California county juvenile halls, the number of days when the population of individual halls exceeded maximum capacity limits, the number of admissions to halls, reasons for confinement, and status offender detentions.
In 1989 the statewide average daily population in the halls was 5,696, an 8.5 percent increase over 1988. The 47 juvenile halls provided an average of 5,418 beds, an increase of 142 beds from 1988. The bed-occupancy rate averaged 105.1 percent during 1989. There were 4,891 incidents of overcrowding, exceeding the figure for any previous year for which data are available. Thirty-two of the halls experienced 1 or more days of overcrowding, and the overall rate of overcrowding was 28.5 percent. A total of 128,189 juveniles were admitted to halls during the year. On any given day, 53.9 percent of the youths were in a predisposition status. Of the remaining youths, 11.9 percent were commitments, 15.1 percent were waiting for private placements, 8.9 percent were waiting for probation camp placements, 1 percent were waiting for delivery to the Youth Authority, 1.1 percent were holds for other agencies, 1.8 percent were adult court remands, and 4.8 percent were in all other categories. A total of 1,130 status offenders were reported detained in 18 juvenile halls. 12 tables and appended supplementary data