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Cliqued Up: The Postincarceration Recidivism of Young Gang-Related Homicide Offenders

NCJ Number
Criminal Justice Review Volume: 37 Issue: 2 Dated: June 2012 Pages: 174-190
Chad R. Trulson; Jonathan W. Caudill; Darin R. Haerle; Matt DeLisi
Date Published
June 2012
17 pages
This study examined the nexus between gang ties and serious and violent gang-related offending and its impact on postrelease recidivism.
This study examines the interrelationship between gang affiliation and commitment for a gang-related homicide on the postincarceration recidivism of a sample of 1,804 serious and violent delinquents released from a large southern juvenile correctional system. Controlling for a battery of preincarceration youth characteristics, delinquent background, and social history measures, this research revealed that gang murderersgang-affiliated offenders committed for a gang-related homicidewere more likely to experience any rearrest and any felony rearrest postrelease than those not considered gang murderers. General homicide offenders without gang affiliations were also more likely to experience felony rearrest postrelease. Being considered a gang murderer or a general homicide offender, however, was not related to the frequency of postrelease rearrests. Analyses also revealed consistent support for the effect of gang affiliation on all measures of postrelease recidivism, regardless of incarceration offense. Implications for research and practice are explored. (Published Abstract)