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Summary and Conclusion

verall, judges and victim participants explored a range of actions and strategies to improve the responses of courts and the juvenile justice system to crime victims. The discussions included system audits; more extensive and strategic use of victim advocates; expanded citizen involvement; and improvements in victim notification, impact statements, and restitution collection and monitoring. In addition, judges and victims learned more about restorative justice, giving careful consideration to effective application of restorative principles and practices as part of a comprehensive strategy for improving court and juvenile justice system responses to crime victims.

As an additional project objective, the focus groups demonstrated that they were an effective process for jurisdictions to use to achieve expanded and continuous dialogue among crime victims, their advocates, and juvenile justice professionals. Group participants expressed appreciation for the helpful dialogue generated in the focus group discussions. Many participants stated that they hoped this format could be used on a continuing basis at the local level. Perhaps the most significant outcome of the project is that similar focus groups have been held or are being planned in each jurisdiction that participated in this meeting.

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Victims, Judges, and Juvenile Court Reform
Through Restorative Justice
October 2000
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