
Section 1. NVAA Nuts & Bolts
Getting to Know You: NVAA Faculty
While many NVAA faculty have trained together at specific sites, new faculty
are often brought onto site teams. One month prior to the Academy,
e-mail your site's faculty members, and ask them to submit a one-page
vitae that can be compiled into a single document and e-mailed back to
your entire site faculty three weeks prior to the Academy.
The faculty vita can also be condensed into one-paragraph overviews in
a document for distribution to your student body in the NVAA Student Registration
Getting to Know You: NVAA Students
Each NVAA site's student roster will be e-mailed to you one month
in advance of the Academy. The Site Coordinator can, in turn, e-mail this
roster to your site's faculty three weeks in advance of the Academy.
This is helpful for faculty to understand the disciplines and experiences
represented by students prior to attending the NVAA.
The site student roster can also be utilized in advance to divide students
into mentoring groups. You may wish to mix students from different disciplines
into each mentoring group or divide them according to discipline. For
- Law enforcement and law enforcement-based victim advocates.
- Prosecutors and prosecution-based victim advocates (including court
- Corrections and corrections-based victim advocates (including probation,
parole, corrections, and appellate level).
- Juvenile justice and victim advocates.
- Domestic violence victim advocates.
- Sexual assault victim advocates.
- Child abuse/neglect victim advocates.
- Other community-based victim services (MADD, homicide support groups,
hate crimes, inter-faith victim assistance, elder abuse, etc.).
- General victim assistance (coalitions, VOCA administrators, compensation
directors, and community-based victim assistance centers).
A great way to indicate students' mentoring team is to place a sticker
on each student's name tag for easy identification.
VALOR will send you one copy of each student's application. Please compile
these in a three-ring binder for on-site review by faculty members. You
may wish to compile these alphabetically or in the order of mentoring
teams (so that faculty can pay particular attention to the students they
will be mentoring).
Student Listserv
Once you receive your student roster, it's a good idea to create a site-specific
student listserv to enhance communications with your students. Please
make sure to note those students who do not have e-mail addresses
so that paper copies of all NVAA communications can be mailed to them.
Alternatively, creating a simple group e-mail list can be useful for future
announcements and communications.
When sending e-mail communications, be sure to include both Word
and Word Perfect versions of your attached documents.
Advance Contact with NVAA Students
It is helpful for students to receive a personal communication in advance
of the Academy from their site and faculty. This memorandum should include
basic information about the schedule, what to bring, what to expect (including
any special activities such as "hat contests," etc.), and on-site
contact information for students' families and colleagues. This can be
e-mailed or mailed to students.
Your advance memorandum should also include information (telephone number,
fax, and e-mail) for a single point of contact (the Site Coordinator or
a faculty member) for additional NVAA information in advance of the Academy.
Sample letters are included in Appendices A and
Approximately two weeks prior to the Academy, site coordinators
and/or student faculty should phone each student to "check in"
to see if students have any remaining questions prior to arrival. This
also extends an extra courtesy.
NVAA Faculty Preparation
Learning activities, including key instruction points based upon the NVAA
Text and accompanying PowerPoint presentations, can be utilized to provide
experiential, hands-on individual, small group, and large group activities.
These are included in the Instructor's Manual for your use and include
the following:
- Three key concepts/objectives to emphasize in instruction and learning
- Goals of activity.
- Description of activity and faculty guidelines.
- Type of activity (individual, small group, or large group).
- Approximate amount of time required.
- Resources needed to complete the learning activity.
- Worksheets (for faculty, facilitators, and students).
Each learning activity indicates the approximate length of time it will
take to conduct. You should plan your NVAA schedule based upon the amount
of time it will take to convey the "key points" (noted above)
and to conduct the learning activity.
Once you have drafted your NVAA 2002 schedule, you must determine which
faculty will be assigned to teach each chapter. Each faculty member should
be provided with a schedule (with their names/assignments highlighted
for quick reference), Text (with 2002 supplements), Instructor's Manual,
and disk with copies of PowerPoint presentations (which they can augment
as needed) at least three weeks prior to the Academy.
If faculty members are "team teaching" a chapter, please ensure
that they contact their co-faculty prior to the Academy, and refer
to the "team teaching" section of the Instructor's Manual for
tips on how to collaborate both prior to and on-site at
the Academy.
Your site's finalized schedule should be e-mailed or mailed to your student
body for receipt at least two weeks prior to the Academy.
Videotapes to Augment NVAA Instruction
There are a number of excellent videotapes available from OVCRC as well
as other sources that can enhance the students' learning experiences.
A list of available videotapes (including title, approximate length, applicable
chapter, and ordering information) is included in Appendix C.
Student Registration Package
A Student Registration Package must be prepared and should include the
- Welcome letter from the faculty.
- Welcome letter from OVC Director (to be provided).
- Schedule/agenda.
- Room and suite-mate (if utilized) assignments.
- Room key.
- Meal tickets or whatever will be used by students to access the meal
- Site-specific contact information (telephone, cell phone [24/7] and
fax of Site Coordinator).
- List of students (including all relevant contact information).
- List of faculty (including brief faculty vita).
- Campus map (with key locations highlighted for easy reference) and
city map.
- List of campus sites of interest to students and availability
(i.e., library, gymnasium, pool, etc.).
- Guidelines on where to park.
- Parking passes.
- Guidelines for student meals and meal tickets.
- Security suggestions.
- Information about the city in which your site is located (which can
be obtained from your Chamber of Commerce).
- List of nearby restaurants.
- List of nearby attractions of interest (which can be obtained from
your Chamber of Commerce).
- List, schedule, and locations of AA and NA meetings, other relevant
self-help groups, and churches.
Many of the suggested activities included in this section can be prepared
in advance of the Academy. In addition, it is helpful to have site faculty
members arrive on Saturday (or earlier) to help prepare these activities.
- Some Academy sites choose a theme that is carried throughout the
NVAA week. All suggestions in this section can be
- "Welcome" posters can be created in advance of the Academy
and hung behind the student registration desk (utilizing newsprint paper
available for a nominal fee from your local newspaper).
- Victim theme-related posters and inspirational quotations can be hung
in student dormitory hallways prior to their arrival.
- With university permission, "welcome" and inspirational
quotations can be chalked onto the sidewalks leading into the registration
- Creative nameplates (made from colored construction paper) can be
placed on each student's dormitory room door. Students can also decorate
their own nameplates as necessary.
- An on-campus central meeting place ("student lounge") can
be established for students to meet during "down time" at
the Academy and can include:
- A resource table with information available from OVCRC (each
site has received information from OVCRC regarding ordering free
informational resources for NVAA students).
- Chairs placed for conversation.
- Posters and perhaps a city map on the walls.
- Vases of fresh flowers.
- Fans for comfort in the heat.
- A boom box.
- Daily newspapers.
- Magazines (reflecting a variety of cultures, genders, and interests-you
can have your faculty start collecting these six weeks in
advance of the Academy and bring to your site).
- Games (e.g., checkers, backgammon, etc.).
- Toys (e.g., beach balls, puzzles, etc.).
- "Fabulous prizes" awarded as incentives to students are
always popular. Prizes can be found at local "dollar stores"
or from the Oriental Trading Company (www.orientaltrading.com).
- In your advance correspondence, invite students to bring their favorite
CDs and encourage a variety of music. Play music in the morning and
during breaks.
- Develop a "fund raiser" for a local victim services program.
For example, charge students a nominal fee ($1.00) to borrow the faculty's
iron. Encourage students to come up with creative ideas to raise money
for local victim services (for example, backrubs in the student lounge,
musical entertainment, a talent show, etc.). In 2001, MUSC raised over
$600 for People Against Rape from NVAA fund raising activities.
- Sponsor morning or evening walks led by faculty. Determine a starting
point and "points of interest" from the Chamber of Commerce
in advance. It is helpful to have three faculty chaperones for "slow,"
"medium," and "speed" walkers. This is a great way
to encourage daily exercise and provide students with one-on-one
exposure to faculty.
- Host a sponsored "student night out with faculty" at a local
establishment that has good music, pool tables or other group games,
and inexpensive food and beverages. This is a great way to bond with
- Host a "faculty walkabout" evening. Encourage students to
open their room doors or to meet in pre-designated areas for informal
"meet and greet" sessions with the faculty.
- Determine in advance a good location to take both a class photo and
a faculty photo. Provide the opportunity for students to take pictures
with/without NVAA shirts (and optionally, with/without funny hats and
prizes). Reproduce the class photo and present each student with a 5
x 7 copy at graduation.
- Arrange for local victim service providers to host an "evening
of fun" for students. For example, for the past four years, the
South Carolina Victim Assistance Network has hosted an ice cream social
for MUSC students, complete with great music, prizes (local to Charleston
and including free dinners and hotel nights donated by local establishments),
and extensive information available about victim assistance and services
in South Carolina.
- Engage all students as much as possible while on-site. Request, when
appropriate, their assistance in setting up rooms and activities, transporting
Academy resource boxes, etc. Remember to thank them for their support,
and offer "fabulous prizes" to recognize their efforts.
- Contact local businesses and organizations for donations that can
be used as student prizes and props, particularly if the site has chosen
a particular "theme" for the week. For instance, one year Washburn
University chose a "construction" theme and a local hardware
store donated canvas tool belts, washers, and other small items for all
the students. Another year, they had a "flight" theme and local
air museums donated books and posters as prizes.
- Consider using a team building activity that the mentoring groups
can engage in throughout the week. Washburn University has used the "egg
drop challenge" for several years. The goal is to design a container
in such a way that it will protect an egg from breaking when dropped from
a designated distance. Mentoring groups build containers with materials
they are given. Various categories for fabulous prizes are used so that
every group ends up being a winner in some way! Instructions for the egg
drop activity are attached as
Appendix D. Once the activity is completed,
faculty debrief with teams as a group to discuss team dynamics and review
the team building lessons of the exercise.
- Be prepared for unexpected current events that may affect Academy
proceedings. For example, during the 1996 NVAA, TWA Flight 800 crashed
off the Atlantic coast near New York City. There were significant emotional
reactions and concerns among NVAA students, and a journalist who was
scheduled to teach at Washburn University was unable to attend because
he was assigned to cover this tragedy. Prior to the Academy, discuss
the possibility of unexpected events with your faculty, and develop
a strategic plan for how to respond and attend to students' needs and
- Plan time each evening (and morning, if needed) for faculty to coordinate
the day's activities, and take "pulse checks" of NVAA activities.
Use this opportunity to make small adjustments to the day's schedule
as necessary.
- Provide opportunities on a daily basis for faculty input, and encourage
their input (including criticism) to improve the overall Academy experience.
- Designate a space for faculty coordination and debriefings. Ideas
to make this space pleasant and productive include:
- Have a coffee maker with all the condiments.
- Have an ice chest/refrigerator with water and sodas.
- Have a boom box with appropriate music.
- Provide vases with fresh flowers.
- Make sure you clean the faculty lounge every morning or evening
to ensure that your faculty will want to return!
- Hang "to do" tear sheets on the wall for each day
of the Academy, and "check off" items as they are
- Take care of your faculty! Develop a "buddy system" with
faculty partners designated to "keep an eye on each other"
for symptoms of stress, etc.
- In opening remarks, make students aware that the Academy week can
be strenuousphysically, mentally and emotionally. Be very clear about
the emotional and sometimes traumatic nature of topics to be discussed,
and identify faculty members who can assist any students who have emotional
or trauma reactions. Explain the best approach and how to determine
when students may need assistance.
- Provide students with a faculty member point-of-contact for 24/7 contact
(cell phones can be helpful here).
- Arrange for a faculty member to be on call (four faculty each day
for six hour shifts) to assist any students who may need support.
- To the degree possible, utilize a variety of students as facilitators
for small group activities and encourage leadership and participation
from all NVAA students.
- Provide tear sheet paper posted on walls that include the following
for student input:
- "Expectations." To record participant expectations
of the presentation prior to beginning the session. NVAA faculty
should clarify exactly which "expectations" can be met
through the session and offer referrals for further information
about topics that cannot be addressed within the time frame. "Expectations"
should be maintained in full view throughout the Academy to help
ensure that they are met.
- Resource sheets. Presenters should offer students additional
materials that can be obtained through clearinghouses, Web sites,
and other resources. Two to four tear sheets posted on the wall
entitled "Additional Resources" or "Extra Stuff"
can be filled as the presentation progresses.
- "Parking Lot." A tear sheet with a picture of
a car, for example, provides a space for participants to post questions
or ideas that arise throughout the session, without interrupting
the flow of the session. Presenters can also use the "parking
lot" to post questions and topics students raise that can be
addressed at a later time. Parking lot topics can either be written
in felt pen on the tear sheet, or placed there using Post-it notes
that are provided to participants. It is important for presenters
to ensure that parking lot topics are addressed, either personally
to the participant who identified it, or to the group as a whole.
- Establish ground rules and schedules, and post them for student contributions
and continual observation. NVAA students expect you to take care
of them during the Academy week. Although they may not admit it, most
participants appreciate structure and rules, particularly to insure
that you meet your commitments to them. Your discussion of rules and
schedules can encourage harmonious working relationships, build enthusiasm,
and build commitment. These ground rules and schedules are a contract
between you and the participants; don't establish any rules/procedures
you aren't willing to follow yourself. Time frames are
on time, end on time (and always seek permission from participants when
agreed-upon time schedules are not met). Traditional ground rules might
- No idea is a bad idea.
- It is important for everyone to participate, and it is helpful
if individuals don't over-participate at the expense of
- No arguments!
- If instructions for activities are not clear, participants will
ask for clarification.
- Breaks (a few long breaks or a lot of short breaks); participants
can inform faculty when they are desperate for one.
- If the agreed-upon schedule needs to be changed, participants
will be asked for their input.
- If any student finds a remark by another student or faculty member
to be offensive, s/he can say "ouch" (or whatever expression
works) to send a message of discomfort.
- Meet and greet students as they arrive each morning, and stand by
the doors as they exit with words of gratitude and
- Create a "things I wish I had known prior to coming to the NVAA"
tear sheet (or multiple sheetsthe list can get long!) and encourage
students to contribute throughout the Academy week. This can be utilized
for distribution to future NVAA students. (See
Appendix A.)
- Have a boom box to play music before and after sessions and at breaks;
select music that fits the theme of the session or day where possible.
Encourage students to contribute their CDs to the music roster.
- Begin each day with a few "icebreakers" that reward students
with "fabulous prizes" for recalling key teaching points from
the prior day.
- Sponsor activities that engage all the students and encourage their
interaction. Ensure all students are able to participate in some
way for the activity chosen. Consider the following:
- Contest for the best hats that represent their agency, discipline,
or jurisdiction.
- "Best alternative use of binder" contest, which entails
having students use their binders in fun ways (such as a pillow
or ironing board). Have a Polaroid camera on hand to take photos
of student entries (and provide a few for "starters"),
and conduct a vote for "best alternative use of binder."
- Team activities such as "egg drops" or volleyball.
- Arrange an attractive background for photo opportunities for students
(e.g., with an NVAA banner and/or mascot in the background).
- Provide a few dozen beach balls to kick or throw around in down time.
- Pay attention to the NVAA physical learning environment: Too hot?
Too cold? Need for student stretch breaks?
- Encourage faculty to disperse among the students and avoid sitting
together all the timeduring sessions, at breaks and meals, and during
free time. Make yourself readily available!
- Stress the importance of student evaluations in order to improve the
NVAA, both on a daily basis and for future NVAA programs. End each day
with "daily evaluations." When each student turns in an evaluation
form, give him/her a raffle ticket. Then each morning, raffle off a
"fabulous prize" (such as a tee-shirt) with the evaluation-return
raffle tickets.
- On Friday morning, ensure that each student has completed the overall
NVAA evaluation and returned it to you. It is helpful, the night before,
to have identified all students who are "leaving early" and
secure their overall NVAA evaluation form. NVAA certificates should
only be provided to students who have completed their overall evaluation
- Make your graduation ceremony special! Consider the following:
- Invite (if appropriate) local "dignitaries" to graduation:
the university president; local United States Attorney; local congressperson,
city council member, etc. If possible, make sure they have the opportunity
to make some remarks and meet students and faculty.
- Bring a boom box to play appropriate music during the graduation
- Ask each faculty to "make the rounds" of the entire
room and personally thank each student for attending.
- Also ask each faculty to prepare a one-minute "thank you"
speech for students.
- Consider preparing and conducting a faculty skit. Be sure and
make copies of your skit for each student-they will want it!!!
- Establish a closure activity that has meaning for students. At
Washburn, students are each given a flower and one at a time, they
put their flower into a vase at the front of the graduation room
with an expression of one word that describes their experience at
- Personally congratulate and thank every student as they exit
the graduation luncheon.
- Follow up on any requests made by students during the Academy
week in a timely manner.
TO: Charleston National Victim Assistance Academy Students
FROM: Your Faculty Team (Drs. Dean, Michael, Anne, Aurelia, David, Jane,
Jo, Trudy and Miss Vickey)
Greetings from your Charleston 2002 National Victim Assistance Academy
faculty! We are very excited about the sharing and learning opportunities
that await us in just a few weeks. While the Academy is a challenging
and strenuous week, we would be remiss if we didn't make sure it also
included LOTS OF FUN!
- First and foremost, a cherished Academy tradition is asking each
student (a.k.a. "YOU") to bring a hat that signifies
your agency, profession, community, or state. We will
also wear our special hats, AND we will award prizes for the
most creative hats! Be forewarned that if you do not BRING
a hat, one will be made for you that is likely to be much more embarrassing
than one you could think up for yourself! BE CREATIVE!
- Second and almost equally important, we think music adds a lot to
our training experience. Please bring your favorite CD or cassette tape,
and we will play as many each morning, at breaks, and in the evenings
as we can accommodate.
Finally, some tips from former Academy faculty and students:
- Rest up prior to arriving at 2002 MUSC NVAA! While our daily
schedule is rigorous, we also have optional early morning and evening
activities, so you will need plenty of energy to keep up.
provided by the luxury dorms in which you'll be staying, they will be
ragged, see-through, and rough on the tender skin!
- If you think you'll have time to run out and pick up shampoo, toothpaste,
etc, you might be able to squeeze in an off-campus visit at 3 a.m. to
a 7-11 (if Charleston has one within a reasonable distance). So make
sure you have soap, hair stuff, and all the items that will give you
an "A+" in hygiene! (But rest assured, a Sunday evening trip
to WalMart is an annual highlight for both faculty and students!)
- PLEASE dress casually and comfortably, except
for graduation (nice duds encouraged on Friday only). It will
be hot and humid, so shorts are way cool.
- "Photo ops" should abound, so if you'd like some mementos
of your Academy week, make sure to bring a camera!
- Be sure to bring an alarm clock!
- Your faculty will lead leisurely, average, and power walks around
beautiful Charleston each morning. If this interests you, bring comfortable
walking shoes and attire - it's a great opportunity for one-on-one faculty/student
bonding. . . .
- Bring an extra suitcase for the monstrous Academy binder and
other resources we'll be providing!
While this probably goes without saying, please leave any/all firearms
at home.
We have asked former NVAA students to list "things I wish I had
known prior to attending the NVAA." This list is attached for your
Your faculty will be available for mentoring throughout the week, but
we encourage you to mentor each other as well. We realize that many
of our students could teach circles around us. Take care of yourself during
the week and take care of your classmates as well!
While many of you will have cellular phones at the Academy, it is helpful
to have the following contact information for your family and colleagues:
MUSC telephone: |
866.472.8824 (toll-free) |
843.792.3388 |
MUSC mailing address: |
National Crime Victims Research and Treatment
165 Cannon Street
P.O. Box 250852
Charleston, SC 29425 |
Site Coordinator: |
Vickey Cornelison cell phone 843-345-2379 |
If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact
faculty member Anne Seymour at 202-547-1732, or via e-mail at
We are really excited about what we expect to be a wonderful week at the
8th National Victim Assistance Academy!!!
ATTACHMENT: "Things I Wish I Had Known Prior to Attending
the NVAA"
Things I Wish I Had Known Prior to Attending
the NVAA
I wish I'd brought some shower shoes (flip flops, zorries, etc).
I wish I'd brought some soap.
I wish I'd brought some hangers.
I wish I'd brought a night light.
I wish I'd brought a spare key chain for my room key.
I wish I'd brought a phone since the dorm phones are so crummy.
I wish I'd brought an answering machine because there isn't any
message service.
I wish I'd brought a small binder to put chapters from the academy
binder in each day.
I wish I'd brought some drinking cups.
I wish I'd brought a camera (photo ops abound! Charleston is lovely).
I wish I'd brought some plastic/trash bags.
I wish I'd brought a t-shirt from my agency for "Agency T-shirt"
I wish I'd brought brochures, etc., from my agency for a resource
I wish I'd brought lots of business cards.
I wish I'd brought a coffee pot.
APPENDIX B. [Washburn Advance Memorandum to Students]
May 24, 2000
Dear NVAA Participant:
Greetings from Washburn University, a proud co-sponsor of the National
Victim Assistance Academy. The University is continuing a five-year tradition
as an Academy host site for practitioners from all over the United States.
This year promises to be the best ever, and we are looking forward to
sharing the unique experience the Academy offers you.
By now you should have received quite a bit of information and materials
from VALOR about your participation in the National Victim Assistance
Academy. These include:
- Confirmation Letter
- Information about Academic Credit
- Logistical Information about the Site (travel, etc.)
- Academy Text
If you have not received these items by now, you should contact VALOR
by calling toll free, 877-748-NVAA. Once you receive the Text, you are
strongly encouraged to begin your pre-Academy reading. This is important
because the faculty prepare their presentations based on the assumption
that you have read the Text.
Your commitment as a participant in the Academy will be matched by the
Academy faculty and the University resources. The Academy is a very intense
learning event, not only in terms of instruction but also in terms of
activities. These activities are intended to enhance the content and,
just as important, to be fun. The Washburn site takes great pride in the
fact that not only do we offer a positive learning experience for the
participants at our site, but we also have more fun than any other site!!!
Striving for enhanced learning and fun, it has become a custom for us
at the Washburn site to choose a theme for the NVAA week. This year we
have chosen the theme Odyssey into Victim Assistance: From Alpha to
Omega at Washburn University (or, A Funny Thing Happened on the
Way to Washburn NVAA). Why this theme? Well, as you aware, the NVAA
is a residential program; that is, the participants stay on campus. The
primary residences this year will be two sorority housesthe Zeta Tau
Alpha and the Kappa Alpha Thetaand one dorm. How can you not feel connected
to this theme with all those Greek letters on the front of the building?
And lest you think that sororities have nothing in common with the field
of victim assistance, a little research has revealed that since 1989,
the philanthropy of the Kappa Alpha Theta sorority has been CASA. Furthermore,
the patron goddess for Zeta Tau Alpha is Themis, the Greek goddess of
The theme is also appropriate for other reasons. Many of the great
Plato, Aristotlewere Greek. We, too, shall be great thinkers-and shall
pontificate many great mysteries-like why there is such resistance to
ensuring victim rights; why after counting all hours devoted to the job,
the average victim practitioner gets paid about $0.70 an hour; and why
those grant applications are so confusing.
As you prepare for your NVAA adventure at Washburn University, there
are a couple of things you should know:
Have you ever stayed at a charming little bed and breakfast in the country?
Well, these dorm rooms and sorority houses have . . . er, uh . . . charm,
but not quite of bed and breakfast quality. They are, well, rooms with
the traditional college student in mind. As such, they are pretty nonluxuriouseven
less than plebeian. You may want to bring your favorite bedspread, pillow,
or kid's drawing. A list of basic survival items should have been
included in the NVAA letter. Don't forget an alarm clock, hangers, shower
shoes, and, if you really want luxury, a thick towel.
We will be using three buildingsthe Zeta Tau Alpha house, the Kappa
Alpha Theta house, and West Hall (OK, the last one does not sound Greek-we'll
have to make something up!). All three of these buildings are just a "Herme's
blink" away from each other (if you have not figured out the Greek
reference, they are all real close to each other). If you would like to
see pictures of some of the accommodations go to the
NVAA web site.
Please check in at the Zeta Tau Alpha house for room assignment (1845
SW Jewell Street). Each person will be assigned his or
her own room. The bathrooms are shared between two or more bedrooms; the
number of bedrooms per bathroom varies according to the building. We will
assign people to rooms somewhat randomly, though we will intentionally
not put people from the same organization in the same area. With this
in mind, please do not ask to be placed next to a person from the same
Most of you will be departing on Friday, but some may need to stay until
Saturday morning due to transportation reasons. We will arrange for Friday
night lodging, if necessary, at one of the buildings. No, you cannot stay
just because it is cheap lodging for a vacation spot. We need to know
if you need to stay over so you can be assigned to that building.
What About You?
One of the ways that we get to know each other is to share something about
ourselves. We thought that it would be neat if everyone brought an item
that says something about where they live. And, since this is all about
sharing, the item needs to be something that you are willing to part with.
Do not bring your favorite teddy bearthat is too personal and you wouldn't
want to give it up. Instead, bring something like a hat, a shirt (recommend
at least extra-large), or a coffee mug from your state, city, organization,
local pro or college ball team, etc. Extra kudos if you can make the
item connected to the Greek theme.
What About What You Do?
Washburn will serve as host to about fifty practitioners from a variety
of different victim service organizations. It is great to have a visual
sense about the organizations represented. Please bring a flyer or similar
materials with your business card attached. The materials will be posted
on a board so that everyone can view them throughout the week.
What To Wear?
Would you think from the tone of this letter that this will be very formal?
Most of the Academy is very casual. Dress comfortably-no need to be fancy.
Also, though it is hot outside, it may be cool inside, so you may want
to dress in layers.
However, there is an exception to the casual rule and that exception
is Friday. Friday is a big deal day-graduation. We will get all sorts
of visitors that day so you have to look good.
There's No Place Like Home
It is very important that you plan to stay until the very end of the Academy.
You will be required to stay on campus until the graduation is completed
at 2:15 p.m. on Friday, June 23. For those who need to catch an airline
flight that evening, we can arrange for chartered transportation to leave
the University at about 3:00 p.m. and make a stop at each terminal at
Kansas City International Airport. It is estimated that the cost of the
charter will be about $10-$15 per person, depending on the number of persons
taking part.
The Pursuit of Zeusless Trivia
Washburn University of Topeka will be your home for the week of June 23rd,
so it is important that you get to know your home. Visit us through your
local library or on the Web. Those who can correctly answer questions
about Washburn, Topeka, and Kansas may win fabulous prizes!
Faculty Assistants
In addition to the Olympians of the victim assistance field who are serving
as the on-site faculty this year, we also have our own version of the
three Graces-the goddesses of splendor, mirth, and good cheerfrom Greek
mythology; only we prefer to call them Kris, Nancy, and Renee (faculty
assistants at Washburn who are working at very low wages for the
NVAA to ensure its success). A week or two before the Academy, you will
receive a call from one of the faculty assistants. The call is simply
a check-in to see if you have any questions. If you need to stay over
on Friday night or want to take advantage of the charter transportation,
you can let them know at that time.
On behalf of the NVAA faculty at Washburn, we want to express our gratitude
to you for your dedication to the field and for your sacrifice of valuable
time away from family and work during the Academy week. We know you will
have a great experience, and we look forward to meeting you. If you have
any questions between now and then, feel free to contact me, Tom Underwood,
at 785-231-1010, extension 1242 or underwood@washburn.edu.
Thomas Underwood
NVAA Site Manager
PS: Don't forget your Academy Text!!!
"Courageous Response to Hate Crimes"
(7 minutes, 30 seconds)
Chapter 22.1
NCJ 182792
"Through My Eyes" (effects of children victimized
and witnessing crime)
(9 minutes)
Chapter 11
NCJ 178229
"Victim Issues for Parole Boards"
(17 minutes)
Chapter 2
NCJ 180109
"Victims of Fraud: Beyond Financial Loss"
(20 minutes)
Chapter 16
NCJ 170593
"Meeting the Mental Health Needs
of Crime Victims"
(40 minutes)
Chapter 6.1
NCJ 167235
"The News Media Coverage of Crime"
(approximately 25 minutes)
Chapter 18
Responding to Child Victims and Witnesses (3 videotapes for
prosecutors, courts, and improving case outcomes)
Chapter 11
NCJ 181500, 504, and 505
"Meeting the Needs of Underserved Victims"
(approximately 8-10 minutes)
Chapter 8
OVCRC (in press)
"Victims Speak Out: Help, Hope
and Healing"
(approximately 25 minutes)
General impact of crime on victims
NCJ 193088
"Listen to My Story: Communicating with Victims of Crime"
(approximately 8-10 minutes)
Practical tips on communicating with victims
OVCRC (in press)
Once upon a time in the Greek mythological land of Yokeville, young eggs
were being captured by Chicken-hawkanopus, the evil lord of the Village
of Crackshell. Chicken-hawkanopus despised the eggs of Yokeville and would
fly high in the sky to drop them to their splattered end. Hardboilizues,
the god of Cholesterol, called upon his earthling son, Prince
Eggbertthe Protector of All Things Fragileto thwart Chicken-hawkanopus' dastardly
deeds. Since he was afraid of heights, Prince Eggbert knew he could not
fight Chicken-hawkanopus. What could he do to protect the innocent eggs?
Prince Eggbert called upon wise and caring victim advocates to help him
develop devices that would protect the eggs from falls, thereby defeating
the evil Chicken-hawkanopus. Thus, the egg drop challenge.
Purpose and Instructions
The purpose of this activity is for each mentoring group to work together
to build a container that will protect a raw egg from breaking when it
is dropped from a designated height (standing on a desk, from a first
floor window, etc.). In addition to the egg, you will receive miscellaneous
training materials (such as tape, string, paper, etc.) in the bag that
accompanies these instructions.
While we want you to be as creative as possible to prevent the egg from
breaking, there are a few rules for this activity:
- The egg must remain in its natural state. You may not blow
out the egg, hard boil the egg, or alter it in any other way.
- You can use only the items included with these instructions to construct
the protective container for your egg.
- You will be given one egg at the beginning of this activity. If it
should break for any reason, you can get a second egg, but no more.
- Every member of your group must participate in this challenge.
Although the goal is for the egg not to break, some groups will
fail miserablythus aiding and abetting the evil Chicken-hawkanopus. However,
in the spirit of Greek graciousness, the gods will also judge groups on
the aesthetics of the container, the best use of materials, and the best
Other than these rules, anything goes in your quest to help the good
Prince Eggbert. Be creative and have fun
National Victim Assistance Academy 2002 Instructor's
Manual |
June 2002 |