

Agency or Organization

Street Address or P.O. Box

City/State/Zip Code

Dear :

You may be aware that April 21 to 27, 1996 has been declared National Crime Victims' Rights Week. During this special commemoration, we will once again have the opportunity in (community or state) to celebrate our accomplishments that benefit crime victims, promote victims' rights and services, and generate greatly needed community support for our activities.

We have received the official 1996 National Crime Victims' Rights Week Resource Guide from the Office for Victims of Crime within the U.S. Department of Justice. The official theme presented in the Resource Guide is "Victim Justice: A New Day Dawns." The Guide contains many resources -- including posters, buttons, media materials, and suggested public awareness activities -- that can help us plan our community outreach efforts.

I would like to invite you to join (community's) 1996 National Crime Victims' Rights Week Planning Committee. Our first meeting is scheduled for (day), (date), at (time) at (location). At this time, we hope to complete preliminary plans for community outreach and public education activities during this week, and assign responsibilities for specific tasks to Planning Committee members.

We all look forward to making 1996 National Crime Victims' Rights Week the best commemoration ever, and are confident that with your support and involvement, our efforts will be successful. If you have any questions or need further information about 1996 National Crime Victims' Rights Week or the (community) Planning Committee, please contact me at (area code) telephone number.

We look forward to working with you on this important activity. Thank you for your support.




NOTE: Use the sample NCVRW letterhead included in the camera-ready artwork section of the Resource Guide.

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