For Immediate Release: Contact: (Name)

(Date) (Area Code/Telephone)

"Victim Justice: A New Day Dawns in (City/County/State)"

(City/State) --- The 15th annual commemoration of National Crime Victims' Rights Week will be observed nationwide and in (community) from April 21 to 27, 1996. During this special week, victim advocates, criminal justice and allied professionals, and crime victims will join together to educate citizens of (community) about victims' rights and services, crime prevention, and related activities that make our community a better place to live.

The theme for this special observance, "Victim Justice: A New Day Dawns," describes the positive outlook held by victims' rights advocates in America. Today, there are over 27,000 Federal and state laws that protect crime victims' rights. Every state -- including (your state) -- has a victim compensation program to ease the financial burden imposed by crime in our nation. Perhaps most important, there are over 8,000 victim service organizations -- including (#) in (community or county) -- that help victims by providing greatly needed support and services.

According to Aileen Adams, Director of the Office for Victims of Crime within the U.S. Department of Justice, the concept of "criminal justice" is incomplete unless "victim justice" is part of the equation.

"For the 44 million people in America who are touched by crime each year, justice is a priority: justice for the criminal, for the victim, and for the community-at-large," Adams noted. "While our accomplishments over the past 30 years are exemplary, we must continue our efforts to aid victims in their time of need, and to help all members of communities across America understand the importance of supporting victims' rights and services."

Here in (community or county), a variety of activities is planned for observation of 1996 National Crime Victims' Rights Week, including: (cite planned activities here).

"It is important for all citizens of (community or county) to join us in celebrating the dawn of a new day for victims' rights and services," (spokesperson) said. "While victim justice is our ultimate goal, we cannot begin to dream of reaching it without the support of all those who believe in public safety and the fair treatment of crime victims."

Anyone interested in participating in or volunteering for any of (community's) 1996 National Crime Victims' Rights Week activities is encouraged to call (agency) at (area code/telephone number).


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