Resource Guide Evaluation Please take a moment to let the Victims' Assistance Legal Organization (VALOR) and Office for Victims of Crime know if the 1998 National Crime Victims' Rights Week Resource Guide was useful to you and your organization. Check the appropriate boxes in the following chart, and also let us know any ideas you have that could be utilized in the 1999 Resource Guide. RESOURCE GUIDE COMPONENT EXTREMELY HELPFUL SOMEWHAT HELPFUL NOT AT ALL HELPFUL Statistical Overviews Accessing Information: OVC Resource Center and Other Services Resources on Crime and Victimization from OVC Resource Center Sample Proclamation Sample Press Release Sample Public Service Announcements Sample Opinion/Editorial Column Twenty Tips for Community Outreach Poster Buttons Bookmarks Logos NCVRW Letterhead Cover/Title Page Crime Victim Resources Brochure Sample Certificate of Appreciation National Toll-free Information and Referral Telephone Numbers Crime Victims' Rights in America: An Historical Overview Victims' Rights Constitutional Amendments Sample Speech Sample Sermon Notable Quotables Please share your comments and ideas for improving or expanding the National Crime Victims' Rights Week Resource Guide and attach examples of your community's activities for 1998 National Crime Victims' Rights Week. Return this evaluation form to: Morna Murray, Executive Director VALOR, 99 Canal Center Plaza, Suite 510, Alexandria, VA 22314 FAX: 703-836-3195 Thank you for your assistance in evaluating the 1998 National Crime Victims' Rights Week Resource Guide!