Title: Resource Guide Overview Series: Resource Guide Author: Office for Victims of Crime Published: March 2002 Subject: victims -- general, National Crime Victims' Rights Week, resource guide 3 pages 8,192 bytes ------------------------------- Resource Guide Overview ------------------------------- Dear Friend: This year, the National Center for Victims of Crime and the U.S. Department of Justice, Office for Victims of Crime, have entered into an exciting partnership to bring you the 2002 National Crime Victims' Rights Week Resource Guide. In years past, the OVC-sponsored guide and the National Center's own Strategies for Action Kit have helped communities throughout the United States promote National Crime Victims' Rights Week. The 2002 Resource Guide merges the best elements of the two previously produced kits. The result, we believe, is an even more effective tool to assist local organizations in their public education and community outreach activities that focus on victims' rights, needs, and services. As we move beyond the tragic events of September 11, this 22nd anniversary of National Crime Victims' Rights Week (NCVRW) seems a particularly poignant opportunity to commemorate the progress that has been made to secure rights and services for crime victims, and to recommit ourselves to building a national commitment to help crime victims rebuild their lives. We selected "Bringing Honor to Victims" as this year's theme, not only as a way of reflecting the country's renewed spirit of patriotism, but as a way of articulating what honoring victims of crime really means. Certainly, since September 11, Americans have a heightened sense of the harsh and tragic impact of crime on its victims--how, in a single moment, one's life can be turned upside down and completely changed through an act of human cruelty. We have also witnessed an unprecedented public response to helping the September 11 victims, to give them hope--to honor them--in whatever way necessary. So, bringing honor to victims means doing right by victims, helping all victims of crime rebuild their lives . . . providing the rights, resources and programs that may never restore completely what they have lost, but will provide a compassionate response to the trauma they have experienced. This year's graphic artwork expresses many of the ways we honor victims of crime: justice, voice, respect, participation, choices, resources, advocacy, support, information, safety, counseling, restitution. "Bringing Honor to Victims" is reflected in all the Resource Guide components which can be utilized throughout the year in public education and community outreach efforts. Resource Guide Contents: (8 tabs, as they appear in your 2002 Resource Guide folder from bottom right to top left) 1. Resource Guide Overview 2. Official Recognition & Public Speaking Opportunities 3. Statistical Overview 4. Camera Ready Artwork o Logos o Buttons o Letterhead o Bumper stickers o Bookmarks o Certificate of Appreciation o National Toll-free Information and Referral Telephone Numbers o Poster 5. Working With The Media 6. Landmarks in Victims' Rights and Services 7. Special Event Ideas 8. Samples, Additional Resources o Sample Media Advisory o Sample News Release o Sample Public Service Announcements o Sample Op-Ed Column o Sample Letter Requesting a Proclamation or Resolution o Sample Proclamation o Sample Resolution o Accessing Information: OVC Resource Center and Other Services o Resource Guide Co-Sponsors Acknowledgements The National Center for Victims of Crime greatly appreciates the opportunity to partner with the U.S. Department of Justice, Office for Victims of Crime, on the 2002 National Crime Victims' Rights Week Resource Guide, and especially wishes to acknowledge the support of Bill Brantley, who served as our Federal Project Officer. From the National Center for Victims of Crime: Author and Editor: Mary Gleason Rappaport, Director of Communications Senior Writer: Susan Howley, Director of Public Policy Contributing Writers: Jennifer Baldassari, Media Relations Coordinator Rebecca Layton, Publications Coordinator Anton Popic, Resource Specialist This product was prepared by the National Center for Victims of Crime supported by Grant Number 2001-VR-GX-0002, awarded by the U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this document are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice.