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National Crime Victims' Rights Week: April 18-24, 2004 banner

Resource Guide Evaluation

Please take a moment to let the Office for Victims of Crime know if the 2004 National Crime Victims’ Rights Week Resource Guide was useful to you and your organization.

1. How did you use the Resource Guide in planning your commemorative events? Please share specific examples that can be highlighted in next year’s Resource Guide.

2. Which components of the Resource Guide were most helpful to you? Why?

3. Which components of the Resource Guide were least helpful to you? Why?

4. Was the camera-ready artwork helpful to you as you planned your commemorative events? How?

5. Was it helpful to have the camera-ready artwork on a CD? Yes or No (Please circle one.)

6. The NCVRW Introductory Theme DVD is a new feature of the Resource Guide. Did you use it and, if so, how? Did you find it useful? If it wasn’t useful, please explain.

7. Did the materials in the Resource Guide support this year’s theme, Victims’ Rights: America’s Values?

8. What additional resources or materials would you find helpful in next year’s Resource Guide that will help commemorate the 25th anniversary of National Crime Victims’ Rights Week?

Please fax this evaluation form to:

Office for Victims of Crime
National Crime Victims’ Rights Week Committee
202-514-6383 or 202-305-2440

Thank you for your assistance in evaluating the 2004 National Crime Victims’ Rights Week Resource Guide!

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National Crime Victims' Rights Week: Victims' Rights: America's Values April 18–24, 2004
Archive iconThe information on this page is archived and provided for reference purposes only.