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Chapter 6 Mental Health Needs

Additional Resources

Auerbach, S. M., and P. R. Kilmann. 1977. "Crisis Intervention: A Review of Outcome Research." Psychological Bulletin 84 (6): 1189-1217.

Kilpatrick, D. G. and L. G. Veronen. 1983. "Treatment for Rape-Related Problems: Crisis Intervention Is Not Enough." In L. Cohen, W. Claiborn, and G. Specter, eds., Crisis Intervention. New York: Human Sciences Press.

Roberts, A. R., ed. 1990. Crisis Intervention Handbook: Assessment, Treatment and Research. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.

Finn, P., and J. Tomz. 1997. "Developing a Law Enforcement Stress Program for Officers and Their Families." National Institute of Justice, Issues and Practices, 8-9, 56.

Palmer, S., and W. Drydan. 1996. Stress Management and Counseling: Theory, Practice, Research, and Methodology. New York: Cassel Publishers.

Paulsen, B. 1994. "Work and Play, A Nation out of Balance." Health 8 (6): 44.

Standfest, S. 1996. "The Police Survivor and Stress." The FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin 65: 7.

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Chapter 6 Mental Health Needs June 2002
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