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Terrorism and Mass Violence

With advancing technology, widespread use of the Internet, increased international tourism, and overseas job opportunities, issues of violent crime and mass victimization have become a major concern for agencies that serve victims in the United States and abroad. In addition, the threat of terrorism against Americans worldwide has increased in recent years. New types of weapons of mass destruction, such as chemical and biological agents, pose significant challenges for those charged with responding to victims of terrorist attacks. To meet the needs of this growing victim service area, OVC funds several initiatives to provide victims with timely, appropriate services and to coordinate assistance among service agencies. Each initiative shares the goal of enhancing assistance to victims of terrorism, mass violence, and international crimes and thus supports the efforts of similar programs and victim service providers nationwide.

See the box at the right for detailed information about OVC's initiatives in this area.


These initiatives demonstrate OVC's commitment to developing worldwide capacity for responding to mass violence and terrorism. The effort to quickly make information available to people affected by terrorism and other international crimes enables those individuals to seek out resources and support and creates the best possible prospects for successfully coping with events.

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Topic-Specific OVC Initiatives

OVC neither endorses, has any responsibility for, nor exercises any control over the organizations' views or the accuracy of the information contained in those pages outside of OVC’s Web site.

OVC Victim and Family Assistance Call Center for Victims of Terrorism and Mass Violence Incidents

Developing a Strategic Plan for Responding to Victims of Terrorism and Mass Violence: A Community Protocol

Victims Component for an Office for Domestic Preparedness/Department of Homeland Security Training Course for Emergency Responders

Specialized Training To Respond to the Mental Health Needs of Victims of Terrorism and Mass Violence

International Crime Victim Compensation Program Directory

Assisting U.S. Citizens Victimized Abroad

E-Brochures for Victim Service Providers and Foreign Visitors

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