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Oral History Project

OVC is pleased to share a unique resource that helps users to learn more about the victims' rights movement and its evolution. Developed by Justice Solutions through a cooperative agreement with OVC, the Oral History Project of the Crime Victim Assistance Field tells the story of the victims' rights movement as documented through multiple interviews, photographs, video, audio, and other textual documents of significance to the victim assistance field. The entire collection (with more than 55 hours of interviews from 65 individuals) is housed onsite at the University of Akron 's library in Akron, Ohio. An online version is available to the public and a smaller resolution video playback screen is available via the Internet. Researchers, academicians, victim assistance providers, news media personnel, and students can access this information at http://vroh.uakron.edu.

Visitors to the University of Akron's library archive will also have access to the hardcopy collection of documents of historical significance to the crime victims' field that were cataloged as part of the library's holdings. For more information about the Oral History Project, contact David Beatty, Justice Solution's Project Manager, at dbeatty@justicesolutions.org.

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